Are you compliant with the Governments Health & Safety regulations regarding Hearing surveillance for employees working in noise?
Requirements include:
Assessment for new employees
Annual assessments for the first 2 years
Continual assessments every 3 years follow this initial period
Allowing employees access to their results
Hearing tests will be carried in accordance with the BSA Standards for Surveillance Audiology, details can be found here: Front page (
Do my employees need a hearing test?
The hearing conservation program requires employers to monitor noise exposure levels in a way that accurately identifies employees exposed to noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) averaged over 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).
What is the procedure?
To minimise disruption to your working day we can come to you. We just need access to a quiet, private room, all our equipment is portable. If you would prefer, appointments can be booked at either one of our clinics.
Your employees will be provided with a personal copy of their results, which will be explained to them.
As employers you will also receive a copy which can be anonymous if required.
Need some advice?
Call our Audiologist to discuss your requirements and receive no obligation advice on your next steps.